From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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HA datastore heartbeats and host isolation

HA datastore heartbeats and host isolation

- [Rick] In this video, we'll learn how heartbeat data stores can be used to more accurately determine the status of an ESXi host that has become isolated. So here we see our HA cluster, and let's just quickly review our diagram here. On each host, we've got a VM kernel port marked for management traffic. That's the network that all of these hosts are going to use to send heartbeats. So the slaves will send heartbeats to the master. The master will send heartbeats to all of the slaves. Here we see the master sending those heartbeats to all the slaves, the slaves sending those heartbeats to the master, all using that management VM kernel port. And let's assume that in this case we've had a network failure. Now the network failure is something local to ESXi04. Maybe there's a physical network interface that's failed on this host, but this host may have other network interfaces connected to other networks. So now it's up to the master to determine, okay, I'm no longer getting heartbeats…
