From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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DRS and vCenter

DRS and vCenter

- [Rick] In this video, we'll learn about how DRS and high availability affect the vCenter server when it's deployed as the vCenter server appliance within a cluster. So here in this slide, we see we have our vCenter server. We have to have vCenter in order to configure DRS. I can't even configure DRS without vCenter, and DRS will not function without a vCenter server. You can't vMotion without vCenter. So without the ability to vMotion, there's no DRS. And so what vCenter is essentially doing is it's sitting here and monitoring the performance of my DRS cluster and figuring out which VMs should be migrated where. So, vCenter is really at the heart of DRS. It's what's figuring out which virtual machines need to be migrated, and then carrying out those vMotion operations. So let's think about a scenario in which vCenter is actually running within the cluster as a virtual machine. So let's assume that this VM here is actually our vCenter virtual machine. So now, vCenter is actually a…
