From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Demo: Working with templates in vSphere 8

Demo: Working with templates in vSphere 8

- [Rick] In this video, I'll demonstrate how to work with virtual machine templates, and I'll show you how they can be used to create multiple virtual machines from a single image. And I'll be performing all of these tasks using my home lab that I've created using VMware Workstation. So here you can see I'm already logged into the vSphere Client, and I'm going to go to VMs and Templates. And I've got a couple of virtual machines that I've already created here. One of them is my vCenter Server Appliance, one of them is a Server 2016 virtual machine. And so I've got these two virtual machines that I've already created. I'm going to take my RickServer2016 VM, and I'm actually going to go ahead and just shut it down. And we're going to use this virtual machine as an example of what we can do with a template. So, now I've created this virtual machine with the operating system installed. And let's assume that I've done some Windows updates, and let's assume that I've configured this virtual…
