From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Demo: vSphere Distributed Switch health check

Demo: vSphere Distributed Switch health check

- In this video, we'll learn how to configure health check on the vSphere distributed switch. And health check is another feature that's supported on the vSphere distributed switch. So just like private VLANs, just like NetFlow, just like port mirroring, health check is only supported on the vSphere distributed switch. And keep that in mind as you prepare for the exam. LLDP is the same thing. Link Layer Discovery Protocol is only available on the vSphere distributed switch. And so it's good to know for the certification test, which features are available on the standard switch, and which features are available on the vSphere distributed switch. And so here, I can see under configure on my vSphere distributed switch, I have an option for health check. And you can see at the moment that health check is currently disabled Health check is disabled by default, and that's a good thing. Health check is not something that you would necessarily just want to leave running because it does…
