From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Demo: vCenter manual backup to an SMB share

Demo: vCenter manual backup to an SMB share

- [Rick] In this video, I'll demonstrate how to configure vCenter Server Appliance backups using the SMB protocol. So here you can see I'm logged into a Windows machine. This is a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine. And I'm just going to get things started here by creating a new folder. And I'm going to call this new folder "vcsabkup." So there's my folder that I'm going to target for my vCenter Server appliance backups. And so now I'm just going to right click on the folder that I just created and go to share with, and I'm going to share this with specific people, and I'm going to pick my administrator. So I'm going to grant read/write access to my administrator, and that's really the only account that I want to add here. So I'm going to click on share. And now I've got this folder created called "vcsabkup" that I'm going to use to store my vCenter Server appliance backups. So now that I've created a shared folder that I can push my backups to, I'm going to log into the VAMI for the…
