From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Demo: Performing a Storage vMotion in vSphere

Demo: Performing a Storage vMotion in vSphere

- [Rick] In this video, I'll demonstrate how to complete a storage vMotion in the vSphere client. So here's the virtual machine that I'm going to use to demonstrate this particular task, and I've called the virtual machine vMotion Demo. And if I go to the summary screen for this virtual machine and I go down to VM Hardware, I can see that this virtual machine currently has its virtual disc on this data store that is called Large-Shared. And so if I just click on the name of the data store here, we can go to the vMotion Demo folder, and within that folder I can see all of the files for this virtual machine are stored inside of this data store. And so what I want to do with the storage vMotion is take all of these files that make up this virtual machine and I want to move them to a different data store without any downtime for my virtual machine. So let's go ahead and give this a try. I'm going to go back to Host and Clusters. I'm going to right-click this virtual machine, and I'm going…
