From the course: VMware vSphere 8 Certified Technical Associate - Data Center Virtualization (VCTA-DCV) (1V0-21.20) Cert Prep

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Demo: Migrate a VMkernel port to a different virtual switch

Demo: Migrate a VMkernel port to a different virtual switch

- [Tutor] In this video, I'll demonstrate how to migrate a VMkernel Port from one vSphere standard virtual switch to another. And I'll be demonstrating these tasks using a free hands-on lab kit at ''. Now, you may notice that this demonstration is using a slightly older version of vSphere. That's okay. The process that you're going to see here is exactly the same in vSphere 8. There are no significant changes. So although you may notice just the slightest difference in the appearance of the web client, you can still use this exact same process in vSphere 8. So here we are at the vSphere standard switch that I've created, and I'm just going to click on the little 'more options' here to the right. And one of those options is migrate VMkernel adapter. Now, just as a side note, we are carrying out this process on the virtual switch that we want to move the VMkernel Port to. So this is the destination virtual switch. We want to move a VMkernel Port that's currently on another…
