From the course: Visual Studio Code Productivity Tips

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Fun with brackets and braces

Fun with brackets and braces

- [Instructor] In this video, let's look at some techniques that can help us work with code brackets. One big change that Microsoft added to Visual Studio Code a few years ago is colorized brackets, which can help us see which brackets are matched. In the past, we had to install an extension to get that feature. First, let's look at what is considered brackets. Curly braces, like is shown on line one, those are brackets. So are square braces or square brackets, and the parenthesis is considered a bracket. Here you can see on line nine, this expression consists of three sets of parentheses. I'll talk about colorized. You can see on line nine that each brace has a different color. There's brown, and then blue, and then green. And then, when I click next to one of these, I also get a rectangle with a background color. In this case, on my theme, it's a green-gray color. Depending on which theme you have installed and you're using in Visual Studio, there can be more contrast with these…
