From the course: Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
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Python Docstring
From the course: Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
Python Docstring
- [Instructor] In this chapter I'm going to suggest a few extensions that make working with Python and VS code easier, more enjoyable, and productive. If you go to the Visual Studio extension marketplace, you can search through and learn about hundreds of available extensions that improve and customize how VS code works. You could also search the marketplace directly from within VS code itself by going to the extensions view and I'll use this icon right here to go there. And the first extension that I'm going to suggest is called auto doc string and that's what I will search on in this box right here. And this is the one we are interested in so let's select it and install it. Okay so now that's installed let's go back to our code and I'll just clear the search box there. Python has a really great language feature that enables documentation text to be embedded directly within programs and it's something every developer should take advantage of. This extension makes it really simple to…
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