From the course: Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
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From the course: Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
- [Instructor] One more helpful debugging feature to look at is log points. So log points are similar to breakpoints, in that they help you see what's happening in a program during execution. But they don't actually pause the program itself. Log points are helpful for logging useful information to the console while debugging apps that are running on production servers that cannot be paused or stopped. Setting a log point is essentially the same as setting a breakpoint. So let's go ahead and open up our geometry solver example and what I'm going to do here is scroll down to the area of a circle method and I will right click in the gutter next to the line that calculates the area and I will choose add log point. So then I'll enter a string that will be logged to the output when this log point is hit. So I can also use curly braces to enter expressions that will be evaluated. So in this case, I'll just log the value of the parameter. So I'll just write parameters and that's going to be R…
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