From the course: Visual Communication for Business: The Marketer's Secret Weapon
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Internal coms need visual communication
From the course: Visual Communication for Business: The Marketer's Secret Weapon
Internal coms need visual communication
(upbeat music snippet) - You might be thinking that visual communication is just for marketers trying to connect with an end consumer. It might be something that you think is for sales purposes only, or for thought leadership content. Well, the fact is, visual communication is something that everybody is expecting today, all audiences. And that audience is not always your end customer. Sometimes it can be your employee. You see, visual communication is something that employers really need to focus on as well. HR representatives or people who are doing internal communications at a company would benefit greatly from using visual communication to connect with their end audiences. Why take the time to read through a very long and boring employee handbook? I mean, let's be honest. How many employees really do that? Instead, we find ways to visualize information to connect with them faster. The reason we do this is because 75% of employees prefer video training over any other form of…
What is visual communication?1m 58s
Visual communication is all around us3m 54s
Visual communication can share broad ideas1m 37s
Data visualization5m 30s
Visual communication can drive quick conclusions2m 50s
Why marketers need visual communication2m 19s
Visual communication can share key data2m 35s
People care less than goldfish and dogs1m 48s
Is text dead?2m 58s
Internal coms need visual communication4m 48s
What is visual storytelling?3m 30s
Tiny visual changes can communicate volumes3m 32s
Keep audience top of mind3m 37s
Don't make this mistake in your visuals4m 35s
Quality matters in visual communication4m 26s