From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Working with a reference movie in Resolve

Working with a reference movie in Resolve

From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

Working with a reference movie in Resolve

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're to look at the power of an offline reference movie in Resolve. To compare it next to an XML file to make sure that the project that we send the final colorist, is all intact. Now, in order to show this, I'm here inside of Resolve and the first thing we're going to do is actually import an XML which will contain our clips as well as the timeline/project from final cut. In order to this, I'm going to right-click in my Master Bin in the Media Pool. And from the Timelines menu, I'm going to choose to import XML which could also be done with shift+command+i I'm already pointing to where the XML is located under Export Reference, so I'll select that and choose Open. A dialogue pops up asking us what information would we like to use from Final Cut as well as ignore. Or to use the Automatic Project Settings, the Master Time Code, as well as both the sizing and the color information. I can see…
