From the course: Video Post Production Weekly
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Using Labels for effect selection
From the course: Video Post Production Weekly
Using Labels for effect selection
- [Instructor] Inside of Premier Pro, you can take advantage of labeling. It allows you to classify clips with colors inside your Premier Pro timeline as well as in your project panel. Besides the color coding, you could also select a label group and apply and effect that group of clips simultaneously. In order to demonstrate this, I'm currently in a timeline where I have a number of shots that are of landscapes. What I'm going to do is select each of these shots by clicking the first one and then Shift clicking the rest of them. By right clicking any of the selected clips and then going to Label, I can give these a different color, such as Caribbean. You'll notice that all of the clips I had selected now change color. Just so that you can see, this happened to the first clip I selected as well. I'll press the equal sign to zoom in. Now, one way to select all of these clips that are part of this color is to right…
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Quick tip under two minutes: Setting up a dummy project in After Effects2m 6s
Saving time: Building procedural workflows7m 4s
The importance of effects order5m 30s
Quick tip under two minutes: Any layer can be an adjustment layer1m 27s
Managing client feedback3m 56s
Quick tip: in FCPX, Wipster in Premiere Pro2m 4s
Tips for working with greenscreens in After Effects2m 1s
Tracking objects4m 25s
iOS apps for post-production1m 36s
Extreme slow motion4m 24s
Variable speed3m 16s
Split editing to elevate4m 5s
Music timing tricks2m 11s
The beginners' guide to 3D8m 24s
3D navigation made easy1m 47s
Digital makeup2m 20s
Face mask tricks3m 47s
An overview of post-production5m 11s
Watch before you edit1m 47s
An overview of post-production4m 41s
Post stage overiew, part 4: Color5m 23s
Quick tip: Group node correction in Resolve2m 5s
Post stage overview, part 5: Animation3m 42s
Quick tip: Keyframe tricks in After Effects2m 58s
Post stage overview, part 6: Compositing3m 48s
Quick tip: Light wrap5m 5s
Proxy workflows in video editing6m 46s
Quick tip: Naming files2m 9s
Post stage overiew: Delivery3m 59s
Quick tip: Watch folder setup2m 27s
Learn something new: Effect experiments overview2m 40s
Effect experiment in After Effects4m 27s
Effect experiment in Premiere Pro3m 52s
Video fields forever4m 34s
Quick tip: Digital media analysis tool1m 49s
Quick tip: Upscaling clips and removing dust in After Effects5m 19s
The future of 3D: Real-time rendering5m 18s
Quick tip: Multi-frame rendering in After Effects3m 8s
AI and me: How AI is being used in video editing and motion graphics5m 51s
Quick tip: Using text-to-speech for CC In Premiere Pro4m 47s
To template or not to template4m 24s
Quick tip: Accessing free content on Adobe Stock2m 25s
Tips for recording voice-overs3m 38s
Changing sentence connotation in Adobe Audition4m 3s
GPU accelerated effects in Premiere4m 14s
Layer vs parallel nodes2m 46s
Node shortcuts in Resolve2m 39s
Text tricks in After Effects10m 41s
The power of pinning text in Premiere Pro6m 37s
AE graph editor4m 36s
Simplifying your timeline2m 52s
Ready your timeline for final mix4m 29s
Better performance in After Effects and Premiere Pro4m 19s
Quick tip: GPU accelerated effects in AE3m 17s
Working with multiple monitors3m 46s
Auto Tone in Premiere1m 40s
Export and upload to Vimeo from Premiere3m 21s
Viewing the MFR process2m 13s
Role workflows in Final Cut Pro6m 14s
Using Labels for effect selection1m 50s
Preparing AEC files11m 6s
Cineware workflow5m 16s
Speed and scale resizing using machine learning in Resolve3m 36s
Working with a reference movie in Resolve3m 21s
Dynamic linking from Premiere to After Effects7m 6s
Baking a dynamic linked file6m 5s
Interpreting RAW footage in After Effects4m 26s
Looping techniques in After Effects6m 52s
Trimming techniques with Trim Edit mode in Premiere6m 26s
Edit faster in Premiere pro with keyboard shortcuts4m 21s