From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Using Labels for effect selection

Using Labels for effect selection

From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

Using Labels for effect selection

- [Instructor] Inside of Premier Pro, you can take advantage of labeling. It allows you to classify clips with colors inside your Premier Pro timeline as well as in your project panel. Besides the color coding, you could also select a label group and apply and effect that group of clips simultaneously. In order to demonstrate this, I'm currently in a timeline where I have a number of shots that are of landscapes. What I'm going to do is select each of these shots by clicking the first one and then Shift clicking the rest of them. By right clicking any of the selected clips and then going to Label, I can give these a different color, such as Caribbean. You'll notice that all of the clips I had selected now change color. Just so that you can see, this happened to the first clip I selected as well. I'll press the equal sign to zoom in. Now, one way to select all of these clips that are part of this color is to right…
