From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Text tricks in After Effects

Text tricks in After Effects

(twinkling music) - Hello and welcome to Video Post Production Weekly. It's only me this time but I have a bag of After Effects text tricks for you, and at the end of this movie, we'll achieve this result all based on live text layers. So my goal here is to show you at least one new thing that you didn't know. Ambitious? Definitely. Well, let's see if I can make it work. Okay, so I'll pause the playback. I'll escape out of full screen and I'll move to this composition where I have a simple text layer with two instances of this video. More on that in a later stage but for now, what I want to create is some sort of a DJ above my DJ name, which is ESMIX or E-S-M-I-X. Whatever you want to call it. In any case, I already downloaded a font from the website DaFont named Music and Party, which has a lot of glyphs that can work for us. Now, currently, After Effects doesn't show us the glyphs panel, which means that…
