From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Preparing AEC files

Preparing AEC files

(digital noises) (light music) - Hello, and welcome to Video Post Production Weekly. Hey, Nick. - Hey, Eran, how you doing, man? - I'm excellent. And, today, we are going to talk about the integration between Cinema 4D and After Effects. Now, I love Cinema 4D because I think it is a designers 3D tool. And probably the easiest 3D application to learn and use. It's also cross-platform and it has great connectivity to After Effects. - And, to illustrate this, Eran, you've prepared a project to demonstrate these wonderful capabilities. So, this is going to include a few different types of layers. But we've got a rocket, a low-poly earth, as well as an interesting camera move here, and some lights in this 3D scene. - Yes, this is the project and this is how it looks. And, now, let's say that we've finished with the 3D part of the design, all the materials, all the animation, and we are ready to complete in After Effects.…
