From the course: Video Post Production Weekly

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Managing client feedback

Managing client feedback

(upbeat music) - [Nick] Hi, welcome to the Video Post Production Weekly. I'm Nick Harauz and this week we're going to be looking at managing client feedback. Our topics include looking at feedback's big picture, carving limitations on receiving feedback, looking at how you deliver videos and receive feedback, and finally, how naming and versioning take place in the feedback process. So let's just take a look at feedback's big picture. Sometimes in the video post process, what we'll do is receive a ton of client feedback that it might seem even overwhelming to us. In this example, I have a video loaded here on frame IO, where I made over 37 comments to the editor. Many of these comments seem to follow a similar pattern in terms of the feedback given. And if you look at the overall picture, although there are 37 comments, these comments are fairly easy to take out of the video. When sifting through that client's feedback. I…
