From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows

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Using the Ultra Keyer

Using the Ultra Keyer

- Once the clips are in our timeline, we could take advantage of using the ultra keyer. Now, you saw this before, it's relatively straightforward, but I want to dig in a little bit deeper to take advantage of some of its more advanced controls. In our previous movie, we laid out these two clips in the tracks, putting the foreground element over the background element. Now what we're going to do is apply the ultra keyer. I can click on the effects tab here and just type in the word key and you'll see that we have our ultra keyer and I can just drop that onto the track. Now, once you've done this, you need to decide how to adjust. I'll click to see the effect controls, and here it is down here. Now I could twirl this up to make a little bit more room, closing the properties I'm not going to modify, and we'll start by taking the eyedropper and click. You'll see here that we're in composite view. This shows us the two…
