From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows

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Creating a custom blur in Photoshop

Creating a custom blur in Photoshop

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows

Creating a custom blur in Photoshop

- If you need to create complex depth mattes or relatively complex blurring effects, Photoshop has a whole suite of tools called Blur Lab that let you use multiple photorealistic blurs to get great results. Let's take a look here at the outcome. Here I've created a relatively elaborate blur, and here's the starting point. What we're going to do is take advantage of Blur Lab. So I convert for smart filters and now I'll use the Blur Gallery here or the Blur Lab, depending upon your version. First up, we can do a tilt-shift blur. This lets us create a angle to the blur as well as create a bit of a transition zone between what's in focus and what's not in focus. And you can drag these out as well as adjust the amount of blur in each area and choose where it's going to be placed and how to sort of move that through. This creates a nice angle blur. Let's turn that off for a moment. We also have field blurring. Field blur…
