From the course: Video Gear: Audio

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Shooting with an external recorder

Shooting with an external recorder

From the course: Video Gear: Audio

Shooting with an external recorder

- Let's go ahead and get this connected to a camera and walk you through some of the essentials. - Yeah. - Now, the big thing is that we found in our own trial and error, sometimes error, that there's a big difference between different brands of HDMI cables. You may want to use the one that comes from the manufacturer or have a few standing by. I do like the HDSDI connector. It's just not as temperamental because it's designed for pros but most of these are relying on HDMI these days. - Yeah, so you have to be careful about the HDMI. Most of the time, on the recorder itself, it's going to be a full size HDMI port. But then, on your camera body itself, it's either going to be a micro or a mini HDMI. So you either need to have an adapter or the appropriate cable. In my kit, I tend to carry multiple HDMI cables just to problem solve in these situations. - The problem, though, is that this puts a lot of stress on this port so on the side here. - Yeah. - Let's run that camera cable up…
