From the course: Video Gear: Audio
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GoPro adapters
- Now, Rich, if you thought it was difficult to adapt audio to a DSLR or to a Cinema Camera, enter the world's most popular action camera, the GoPro. I mean come on, really, can we get good audio to this? - [Rich] You can, but it involves a couple of accessories. - [Robbie] Okay. - First off, you need to get a case that can hold the GoPro and let you actually access the ports. Normally, these ports are covered because it's in a waterproof case. - [Robbie] Right, that makes sense, 'cause you're going to be, you know, diving with sharks or wherever you're going to be recording. Right, of course. - Absolutely, as I jump out of airplanes. - Right. - So, they do make cases that have holes in them. - [Robbie] Okay. - [Rich] That are designed to let audio in, the skeleton case. - [Robbie] But clearly not waterproof at that point. - [Rich] No, this is not the one that you take underwater, so make sure you look before you jump. - [Robbie] Right. - [Rich] Now, so this one has holes in the side…