From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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Ultimatte: Basic setup - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
Ultimatte: Basic setup
- [Instructor] We'll start by taking a look at the basic setup for an Ultimatte composite. The first thing we wanna know is how to connect things up, so if you'll select the read note for your bluescreen, you can go up to the keyer tab, select the ultimatte node, and it'll hook itself in to the foreground input. Here we go. The BG is the background input. We'll connect that up here. We'll take a look at these others in just a minute. Now I'm using a checkerboard as a test background. I've set the floor mat to match my foreground image, and I've set the size of the squares to 16. Using a checkerboard like this is a better way for getting your initial key setup, rather than doing it over the actual background, which has different colors and luminocities that may hide defects. So let's take a quick look at the tabs in the Ultimatte node. The first tab, Ultimatte, is used, basically, to set the screen color, and it has a few other controls, which we'll come back to. The density tab is…
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About the Keyer Tutorials appendix1m 11s
KEYLIGHT: Setting up a basic composite10m 12s
KEYLIGHT: Masking, fine-tuning, and spill suppression9m 22s
KEYLIGHT: Viewing status and multipass keying7m 50s
Primatte: Basic keying and spill suppression9m 31s
Primatte: Matte refinement and edge detail7m 31s
Primatte: Auto-Compute and advanced spill suppression8m 14s
Primatte: New features in Primatte V5m 55s
IBK keyer: Keying and compositing25m 39s
Ultimatte: Basic setup3m 24s
Ultimatte: Overall workflow5m 19s
Ultimatte: Matte tools and shadows4m 16s
Ultimatte: Spill suppression4m 11s