From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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Uber key with the additive keyer - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
Uber key with the additive keyer
- [Instructor] In this video, we'll look at the workflow when using an Additive Keyer with an Uberkey. How to build an Additive Keyer was covered in detail in Chapter six so here we'll have just a quick review. So let's start with just a very quick overview of our Uberkey, again, the green screen and the Denoise. From here, we pull the soft key with Keylight, which of course we got some noise out here in the backing and a lack of solid core. So from there, just did the usual dilate and firming up, and use that with a multiply to clean the backing region. So this is before, oh, let me gamma up the Viewer so that's before and that's after the Garbage Matte. Okay, so addressing our flaky core, on a separate branch used Primatte, my favorite heavy core keyer, and did the usual Blurs, and Grades, and Erodes, and Blurs to create a inner core matte and we did a union. So now if we toggle that on and off we can see the effectiveness of the core matte and, again, we want to make sure we're not…
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Compositing keyer outputs3m 54s
The basic uber key composite7m 43s
Soft key/hard key with luminance adjusted despill6m 51s
Uber key with split soft key and split despill4m 56s
Uber key with the additive keyer9m 41s
Screen correction with adaptive despill7m 56s
Screen correction with a processed background11m 1s