From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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Techniques for better motion blur - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
Techniques for better motion blur
- [Voiceover] Motion blur is a chronic keying problem for two reasons: first, the keyer will often crop it short, and second, the color of the motion blur frequently doesn't look right. The screen correction techniques we saw in chapter two could solve the problem of cropping the motion blur short. To get the motion blur colors right, we can use a modified version of the edge extension techniques we saw in chapter 10. So here is our test case. Lot of motion blur here, on this arm, this arm, and down here on the sleeve, so this will be a terrific problem to solve, because it has a variety of different colors of motion blur. Now the setup here is I've animated this background color here, so that we can test our motion blur solution over several different colors of brightness. We need to do that because even though your background may not actually change color, there will be dark and light regions in the same background plate and the motion blur has to look correct over all the possible…
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How to add more hair detail11m 15s
The special case of keying blond hair7m 14s
Keying for more semitransparency5m 30s
Techniques for better motion blur7m 23s
How to retain all of the depth of field7m 2s
Special keying techniques for smoke11m 3s
Extra special keying techniques for fire8m 41s
How to key a cloud out of the sky14m 53s
Keying reflections off of glass techniques7m 10s
How to cope with bad video12m 3s