From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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Pre-processing the clip for the keyer - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
Pre-processing the clip for the keyer
- [Instructor] In some situations pre-processing a green screen or a blue screen with color correction can dramatically improve the key. But be careful, you can also make things worse. Now there are a million possibilities to applying pre-processing to improve your keys, so the examples here are just a few to get you thinking in the right direction. So let's start by taking a look at this over-exposed shot. If we look at the code values up here, I'm going to sample the blue screen. Look at this, 1.8. Now that blue screen should have a brightness of maybe 0.7, 0.8, 0.6, somewhere in that neighborhood. Now if we look at these whites, look at this, 2.1, 2.1, 2.68. Way over-exposed. As a result keyer produced this very nasty edge. You see, every keyer has a sweet spot where it expects the color to be, and if you go outside that sweet spot you don't get a good key. So what I did was I took the original picture, just applied this Grade node here, where I just gained it down to point five…
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Step 1: Analyze the clip13m 34s
How to manage grain and noise5m 14s
Pre-processing the clip for the keyer12m 2s
Screen-correction workflow11m 45s
Tips on adjusting the IBKColor node12m 19s
How the IBKColor assist works6m 24s
Building a clean plate from a clip8m 3s
Building a clean plate without an IBK node4m 20s
Working with a real clean plate4m 53s
Retaining shadows with screen corrections11m 45s
Stack IBKColor nodes for cleaner clean plates5m 30s
Good (and bad) tracking markers7m 32s
Tracking marker removal techniques12m 39s
Removing tracking markers with screen correction5m 19s