From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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How to do a soft comp/hard comp - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
How to do a soft comp/hard comp
- [Lecturer] Soft comp hard comp is a standard technique used by compositors everywhere. The basic idea is to first dial in a soft key that has great edge detail but not such a solid core. You lay this over the background, then make a second key that is harder and fits inside the soft key and lay it over the first comp to fill in the core but retain the soft edges from the soft comp. Okay, got all that? All right, so let's scooch in here and see what we got. There's several approaches to this basic idea so we're gonna explore all three of them. So we start with our green screen and of course we do our D noise. Now this first key here is a soft key. So if we look at the alpha channel, you can see I've cleared out all the black in the backing region. We've got lovely edges, but if I gamma down the viewer, not such a solid core. Okay, so we lay that over the background and of course as I gamma up you can see we've got transparency everywhere. But that's fine, that's expected. Next, we go…
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