From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
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Creating an uber key - Nuke Tutorial
From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course
Creating an uber key
- [Instructor] The idea behind the uberkey is to create one single master key that's made up from several separate keys, each optimized for their part of the key. For example, one for the head, another for the torso, and a third for the legs. You might use a different keyer for each part, or the same keyer with just different adjustments. Whatever gives you the best key for the area of interest. So, here's an overview of the uberkey workflow. Starting back up here at the top is our green screen, and of course our obligatory de-grained and de-noise. Let's push in a little bit. So, I have three keyers here. This first one is optimized for a best torso, so it's gonna give me my best key for this area. This keyer is optimized for the head, and yet a third keyer, which gives me my best legs key. The next step is to isolate and merge. So, starting here with our best head key, we've got a rotoshape drawn around the head there. Now, the keymix node will combine the best head with the best…
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