From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
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Using the additional exercise files
From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
Using the additional exercise files
- [Instructor] To help us both discuss and demonstrate some of the V-ray features that were added in the 3.4 to 3.6 updates, I have included a new exercise file download for this chapter that contains a set of scene files created specifically for the videos found here. As was the case with the main course, these have been put together using 3DS Mac project folder to help us quickly and easily access the Mac scenes as we go. As always, it is by no means essential that you use these files in order to understand and benefit from the material that we will be covering. Although, taking the time to work through the features with me, whether that is using the exercise files provided or using Mac files of your own, well, that will certainly be a big help in terms of helping you become more familiar with the tools that we will be taking a look at.
Practice while you learn with exercise files
Download the files the instructor uses to teach the course. Follow along and learn by watching, listening and practicing.
Introduction to this update56s
Using the additional exercise files53s
V-Ray and 3ds Max versions used46s
The Denoiser4m 14s
Interactive Lens Effects3m 31s
MDL materials4m 22s
RT GPU improvements3m 35s
Resumable Rendering3m 32s
VFB Real-Time improvements4m 33s
Interactive Production Renderer4m 39s
The AL Surface shader4m 27s
V-Ray scene object3m 59s
Full Light Select Element4m 4s
Cryptomatte3m 51s
Next steps35s