From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
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Odds and ends
From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
Odds and ends
- [Instructor] Even though we have worked through quite a number of exercises in our update chapter at this point, given the way that Chaos Group worked to improve their software month after month, the simple truth is that we have really touched on just a fraction of the improvements and fixes that went into the 3.1 to 3.3 updates. What I want to do for this final exercise video then is quickly highlight some of the smaller and yet still extremely noteworthy touches that have gone into V-Ray features, such as the new UI tool tip system that was implemented in 3.2 giving artists a quick and yet valuable overview of what a tool or parameter in the engine is supposed to do. For instance, in the V-Ray tab and image sampler roll outs, if I hover over the type drop down, we get a tool tip that lists all of the options available from the drop down list along with a brief description of their functionality. Whereas if we hover over a check box item, a numeric input field, or indeed some of…
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Introduction to this update56s
Using the additional exercise files1m 12s
V-Ray and 3ds Max versions used38s
Updates to V-Ray RT6m
VFB improvments6m 43s
Updates to cameras3m 44s
GGX, rounded corners, and more4m 17s
Randomization and better translucency3m 44s
The Triplanar Map5m 19s
Render elements3m 41s
Lighting updates4m 15s
Aerial perspective4m 1s
Volume grid6m 56s
V-Ray proxy5m 31s
The V-Ray Instancer5m 12s
VR mesh viewer3m 52s
Odds and ends3m 50s
Next steps32s