From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training

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Lighting updates

Lighting updates

- [Instructor] Having spent some time in this update chapter looking at maps and materials, let's change tack a little now and take a look instead at a couple of tweaks to lights that we have been given as well. Firstly though let's come to the tools menu, open up the light explorer window and then turn on the dome light that we have sitting in the scene so that we can go ahead and take an initial render, which we will want to save to our history list so that we can make a quick comparison in just a minute or two. Because with our light still selected, if we just jump into the modify tab in the command panel we can see in the options roll out that we now have these diffuse and specular spinners that can give us finer control over how a specific light is working. Of course the ability to choose to have a light not effect either the diffuse or specular component of materials in the scene has been around for a long time, but with the introduction of these contribution level spinners, it…
