From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training

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Interactive Production Renderer

Interactive Production Renderer

- [Instructor] Perhaps one of the most confusing additions to the V-Ray toolset in the 3.4 to 3.6 updates was the addition of V-Ray's new interactive production rendering mode, simply because, in many ways, it seems to be the same thing as V-Ray RT. But of course, it actually isn't. Yes, both can render our scenes interactively, but they do very much differ in a number of key areas. Firstly, RT is a separate render engine all on its own, whilst the IPR mode in V-Ray is simply that, a mode of the fully featured V-Ray advanced renderer. And because it is a separate renderer, V-Ray RT works by exporting the scene, or translating it, in order to prepare for rendering, whilst IPR mode in V-Ray renders the scene directly, with no translation required. This naturally means that is a faster option. With that said, then, let's make a swap here, as our start scene is currently set up to render using the RT engine. With the F10 key, then, let's open up the render setup dialog, and from the…
