From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
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Enabling the Environment skylight
From the course: V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max Essential Training
Enabling the Environment skylight
- Having already noted that the standard 3ds Max Skylight is not usable when rendering with V-Ray, we're going to spend some time over the next two videos taking a look at the replacement tools that V-Ray makes available to us. Beginning in this exercise with the GI Environment option. To see how our start scene here has initially been set up let's open up the V-Ray Light Lister from the Tools menu. This shows that we currently have no lights whatsoever set up in our scene. In fact, if I go head and take a render, all we get is a pure black return in the V-Ray frame buffer as I have, once again, set the default lights in 3ds Max to off. Unlike the standard 3ds Max skylight, V-Ray's GI Environment doesn't actually have any kind of help object or gizmo that needs to be placed or positioned in the scene. Meaning we don't, in this instance, need to create anything from the command panel in order to start making use of the GI Environment skylight. What we will need to do though is enable…
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Using 3ds Max light types with V-Ray5m 21s
Working with the V-Ray light5m 7s
Adding a spherical fill light4m 15s
The V-Ray Sun and Sky system4m 34s
Controlling global exposure3m 49s
Enabling the Environment skylight3m 37s
Working with the V-Ray dome light4m 33s
Creating a mesh light2m 53s