From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design
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Why psychology?
From the course: UX Foundations: Interaction Design
Why psychology?
- [Instructor] There are many fields relevant to interaction design. And in this course, we're going to use a system of thinking about it from a psychological perspective. Understanding how people think, feel, understand information, and make decisions can help us generate better ideas and solutions, and help us craft and deliver better experiences. There are many different models of product design and development, but at their core, they all include discovering what the product should be and do, crafting the best possible product, delivering the product to the people who need it, and improving the product based on opportunities to better meet their needs. This course will focus on the first half of this process, from the very beginning of a project until we work on designing the solutions. We can use psychological theories and principles at every stage of definition and design, from the initial foundational research,…