From the course: UX Foundations: Content Strategy

Guides, templates, and workflows

- A content strategy stands and falls on how easy and effective it is. Creating and maintaining content should be an expedient and cost effective process that is easy to get into and understand for everyone involved. Make it too complex, too time consuming, or too expensive and it will be left by the wayside. In this chapter, we'll focus on how to create guides, templates and workflows that make the implementation of a content strategy as streamlined as possible. To do so, we'll focus on the questions, how, where, and with what. In this stage of the process, we're beginning to look at the actual frameworks and guidelines that will exist for content creation and management. Using everything we've learned up until this point about the audience and the content, we can start establishing guidelines for what the content should sound and look like, templates for content creation, and workflows that ensure content is created and maintained in a timely manner. This new layer in our ball builds on the analysis and structure already established. It's imperative that content creators, designers and developers are included throughout this stage of the process. Their input will help guide the content strategy to ensure it meets the needs of the people that will use it, as well as the needs of the content and its audience.
