From the course: Using Microsoft Teams and Outlook Together: Maximizing Productivity

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Using teams and channels

Using teams and channels

- [Instructor] Microsoft Teams is organized into teams and channels. A team is a group of people who work together and share content like files and applications. Teams can have up to 10,000 members, and they can be private or public. And if your organization allows, a team can also include an external member, for example, a vendor that's working on a project with you or a coach that is working with a particular group or team. Each team has one or more channels. All conversations in Teams take place in channels, and the channels are used to organize the team's work. Channels can be used for file sharing. So if a group is working on Project A, the files for Project A can be shared and saved in that channel. By default, channels are open to the entire team, but if you have a need for a subgroup or a private group within a team, you create a private channel for their work. Any channel can be extended by adding other apps. So if your team has a project, Project A, and that project stores…
