From the course: Using Lightroom and Photoshop Together
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Starting with a JPEG
From the course: Using Lightroom and Photoshop Together
Starting with a JPEG
- [Instructor] A JPEG format file works a little differently than a PSD or a TIFF in the Lightroom Classic Photoshop roundtrip workflow. The difference is that when you're done roundtripping a JPEG, the result may not automatically appear in Lightroom. That's what will happen if you use the edit original or edit a copy option to hand the photo off from Lightroom Classic to Photoshop. So the solution is to use the edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments option, and then things will work as expected, just as if you were starting with some other non RAW photo, like a PSD or a TIFF. If you're following along with the exercise files, go to the folders panel in the library module, and in the start with JPEGs sub folder, select this thumbnail of a Beta fish. What I'd like to do here is drop out that black background to reveal a different background. To do that I have to take the photo to Photoshop, because that's not something…
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