From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code
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Explorer and editor
From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code
Explorer and editor
- [Instructor] Explorer is the first item in the activity bar and it appears to the left of the editor if it's showing. So you can show or hide this section right here that looks like a file list by either clicking on this icon here. You can also click and drag this all the way to the left, and it hides. And if you come over here and click and drag to the right, it'll show up again and it's a really great place to see what is going on with the files that you're working with. So there's a couple of letters that will appear depending on the status of your files. Right now everything is clear, so there have been no changes or no additions of files. So let's go ahead and change some things. First, I'll go to this README file, and I'm just going to delete this paragraph right here. So I'm going to cut that and as soon as I do that, you can see that right now it says that this README file has been modified, and that's what that…