From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code
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From the course: Using Git with Visual Studio Code
- [Instructor] Codespaces is a development environment that lets you use a copy of Visual Studio Code in the cloud. There's an optional extension that you can install that lets you use it in your native Visual Studio Code application. So if you want to add it, you want to go into your extensions tab right here, and search for codespaces. Here's the extension, and you want to go ahead and install this. I've already got it installed. Once you do that, you'll be able to pull up a bunch of additional commands in the Command Palette. Just type in codespaces, and you can see where you can change the Machine Type, Connect to a Codespace, Create a New Codespace, Delete a Codespace, et cetera, et cetera. You'll also be able to get to your Codespaces directly from the Remote Explorer extension. Here you'll have to go to this pop-up and switch to GitHub Codespaces. This will show you any Codespaces that are active in your current…