From the course: Universal Principles of Design
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From the course: Universal Principles of Design
- [Jill] Hi, I'm Jill Butler, and this is the Universal Principles of Design. In this movie, modularity, or the power of thinking inside the box. You may be surprised to learn that the motorcycle manufacturing capital of the world is not in the United States, or the U.K., or Germany, or Japan, but in China. The city of Chongqing, to be exact. Home to more than 130 motorcycle manufacturing companies producing roughly 12 million motorcycles a year. Now, making this many motorcycles year after year creates an interesting problem. How do you make enough parts to meet this kind of demand? One company making all of these parts isn't really feasible at this level of production. So the only way to do it is to outsource the manufacturing to external suppliers. And that's where one of the world's largest manufacturers, Dachangjiang, did something interesting. Rather than following the traditional method of designing all the parts and then outsourcing their manufacture to a vertical chain of…
The 80/20 rule4m 38s
Factors of safety6m 41s
Flexibility Trade-Offs5m 32s
MAYA4m 20s
Modularity5m 19s
Paradox of unanimity6m 39s
Scaling fallacy5m 38s
Selection bias4m 42s
Sunk-cost effect5m 35s
Weakest link4m 5s