From the course: Unity 5: Build a Character Dialogue System
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Emotional investment - Unity Tutorial
From the course: Unity 5: Build a Character Dialogue System
Emotional investment
- [Instructor] Now we come full circle from empathy to engagement to investment. I say full circle because narrative development is at its core focused with constructing an infinite loop between your player and your game. A loop that constantly iterates, creating new empathetic connections, higher engagement and deeper emotional investment. If you're thinking to yourself well, I honestly play more games that don't have a heavy story or narrative presence at all, you're wrong. You do. It's just not in a conventional form. Many multiplayer and online games have a minimal story. Sometimes with little to no conventional narrative development, but that doesn't mean it hasn't created a narrative within its community of users. You still have empathy and engagement and most importantly, emotional investment. Not only in your playable characters, but in the players you game with. As a game designer it's critical you think carefully about where your game fits on this spectrum. Designing an…
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