From the course: Understanding Information Architecture

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Setting suitable goals

Setting suitable goals

- If you have an information architect on your team, their personal development goals are likely to be different to those of other staff. Their short-term and long-term business goals, the things you'll measure their impact against will also be different. You might have to work hard to find ways to quantify their impact. Who else in the organization can you compare them with if you have to do stack ranking or grading? Time to deliver on goals is also a potential issue. It's not like an information architect will be introducing a major update to the primary site or app architecture every month. Some goals you set will probably be based around delivery of specific work items. Most of their work will come as tweaks implemented as part of a redesign or part of the interface, for instance, in the footer area or on marketing microsites or other peripheral content. You can create goals that measure the IA's impact on these projects. Just remember, the cadence with which their changes go live…
