From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)

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Stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds

Stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds

- [Instructor] Investors often hear about mutual funds and ETFs when evaluating investment options. But, what are they, and what are the differences between these two types of baskets of stocks? Most investors should be looking for broad investment allocations rather than trying to pick individual stocks. For that reason, many investors turn to an exchange-traded fund or a mutual fund. Now, both mutual funds and exchange-traded funds are groups of individual stocks that can be bought as a basket by an investor to allow instant diversification. An ETF, or an exchange-traded fund, is a basket of many stocks that trades just like a single stock does. There are many ETFs out there, here's how they work. Let's pretend you want to allocate 50% of the stock portion of your portfolio to value stocks. If you want a broad basket of value stocks, without having to go through and find individual companies to invest in, you might buy…
