From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)

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Stock market operations

Stock market operations

- [Instructor] In order to invest effectively, it's important for you to understand basic stock market operations including the hours the stock market is open, pre and post market trading and who the participants are on the exchanges. Now I'm here at CNBC is a news service that follows stocks all day long. All CNBC does is track what's going on in the stock market and report it on. And we're looking at a screenshot for the S&P 500. The S&P 500 is one of the major indexes that represents the stock market. It's essentially the largest 500 companies in the US stock market. So it's a good barometer for what's going on overall in the market. Now, there's a few things to note. First of all we could look at this chart on a one day basis. And what this shows us is the hours of operation for the stock market. The stock market opens at 9:30 a.m. every weekday, Monday through Friday in the US. Stock trading…
