From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)
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Setting up stock market accounts
From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)
Setting up stock market accounts
- [Instructor] To get started investing, you'll need to setup a brokerage account or a stock account. This can be done with one of a number of different firms out there, Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE and many others. I'm here on Morgan Stanley's web page. Now, groups like Morgan Stanley are what are known as full service brokers. They offer a lot of services and handholding, but it comes at a higher trading cost for most of the trades that you might want to make. So if you buy or sell a stock, you might pay 50, 60, 70 or even $100 to buy or sell that particular stock. If you go to a place like Schwab, you will have cheaper trading costs. Schwab highlights their $4.95 online stock order options, but you're also less likely to have access to the handholding and research that someone like Morgan Stanley offers. Similarly, groups like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade also offer brokerage services, again, at…
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What are stocks?4m 59s
Investing in stocks2m 11s
Stock market operations4m 33s
Setting up stock market accounts1m 41s
The bid-ask spread3m 49s
Buying and selling in the stock markets2m 52s
Shorting and going long4m 5s
Stock market indices2m 52s
Stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds2m 40s
Basics of stock valuation5m 10s
Earnings reports and major stock events4m 9s
Returns in the stock market5m 1s
Risk in the stock market3m 49s
Value and growth stocks3m 14s
Call options and stocks4m 52s
Put options and stocks3m 41s