From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)

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Setting up stock market accounts

Setting up stock market accounts

- [Instructor] To get started investing, you'll need to setup a brokerage account or a stock account. This can be done with one of a number of different firms out there, Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE and many others. I'm here on Morgan Stanley's web page. Now, groups like Morgan Stanley are what are known as full service brokers. They offer a lot of services and handholding, but it comes at a higher trading cost for most of the trades that you might want to make. So if you buy or sell a stock, you might pay 50, 60, 70 or even $100 to buy or sell that particular stock. If you go to a place like Schwab, you will have cheaper trading costs. Schwab highlights their $4.95 online stock order options, but you're also less likely to have access to the handholding and research that someone like Morgan Stanley offers. Similarly, groups like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade also offer brokerage services, again, at…
