From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)

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International markets

International markets

- [Narrator] Effective investing, often relies on a concept called diversification. This just means owning a variety of different unrelated stocks, to minimize the risk of the portfolio. One option for diversifying your portfolio, is to mix US stocks, with stocks from other countries, which are on a different growth path, than the US stocks. Let's take a look at some examples of international stocks and markets. Now, I'm here at a website called Seeking Alpha, or But there's a lot of different stock websites out there that you could use., Yahoo Finance, many of them. You can search in your favorite search engine, Bing, Google, et cetera to find them. In any event, this particular stock that we're looking at, ticker symbol EWJ, is an ETF or basically a basket of stocks that represents the Japanese market. So if you wanted to get exposure to Japanese stocks, you could but EWJ on US…
