From the course: Understanding Capital Markets (2019)

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Buying and selling in commodities

Buying and selling in commodities

- [Instructor] Commodities markets seem intuitive because the products they involve are familiar to us and they're tangible. Gold, oil, lumber, wheat, corn, etc. But they can be tricky to invest in so it pays to be familiar with how the commodities markets work especially when it comes to the price changes over time. Now I'm here at the commodities page. Bloomberg is a finance company that has made a business out of supplying data and information on commodities, stocks, bonds, things like that. You can navigate to this page if you'd like through But what we see here is an overview of the commodities markets. So just like there's indexes that track the stock markets, there are indexes that track the commodities markets as well. And then Bloomberg breaks this out by separate categories: energy, metals, agriculture, etc. And so if we click to the energy section as an example, we'll see they…
