From the course: Understanding and Prioritizing Data Privacy (2017)
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React to privacy issues
From the course: Understanding and Prioritizing Data Privacy (2017)
React to privacy issues
- What should you do in the face of a breach or a theft, or some other doubt that's thrown on your data sets? There's a number of different things that you need to do. One, you should practice before this even happens. You should have tabletop exercises and let your mind run wild. Go watch some scary TV shows about dystopian futures, and then play them out in your mind. Be creative and imagine all the different ways that data may be used or misused, either to enrich another third party, harm your customers, harm your employees, compromise your business, and think through those scenarios. What would it mean if your vendors went wild and started sharing and oversharing information? Or what would it mean if an attack on your information came through one of your vendors? So thinking through these scenarios, testing and really playing with who's the right person involved within your organization? How do I get to better in the…
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