From the course: Understanding and Prioritizing Data Privacy (2017)

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Culture of privacy

Culture of privacy

- Creating a privacy culture, which sounds like a really groovy word particularly if you're someone who's interested in science and engineering, but building a culture is really building the muscle, if you will, the habit of privacy, the ability to consume and excel with the assets that are generated by data-centric systems. So how do you do it? Building a privacy culture is a layered and highly contextual practice and I've gotten old enough that I've seen it from many different angles. The first privacy practice I drew on was very much grassroots. People who were actually in the data centers, heavy duty security people, heavy crypto guys, Whit Diffie was one of them, one of the famous Diffie-Hellman protocol, heavily, heavily, heavily technical people. The other side of the equation were the legal people and the public policy people really understanding, as the laws were being written, what in the world does any of…
