From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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Type in motion...or not?

Type in motion...or not?

- Is it considered a special effect when the type appears to be in motion but actually isn't? Some of the best designers know this trick of the trade. Everything else is in motion, so the type appears to be a part of a larger animated graphic. But in reality, the typography is standing still. Here's a little example to show you what I mean. So the black type is revealed as the moon floats over it. Isn't it fun the way the moon turns into the period as if to emphasize Fallon? And then it pops off after a pause, just long enough for you to see the moon. Here's another illusion of type in motion. Of course, I'm spoiling the illusion by telling you in advance the type only appears to be animated. You can see blurred lights moving past as if you're driving after dark. The type is sporadically illuminated as if by passing cars and it has a halo effect, as if your vision is adjusting to the dark. Technically, SNL Studios…
