From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D
Animate properties - CINEMA 4D Tutorial
From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D
Animate properties
- [Narrator] If you're short of time and don't have the capacity to experiment with effectors. And you just know you want a quick scaling effect or something like that on some text. Then knowing that you can just get in and animate the properties of the MoText objects, to get the job done can be a lot faster, In some cases. It's not something I'd always recommend but I just say it's worth knowing what you can do just so you can bend and break the rules as necessary. So for example, let's just say, oh we know where our end state is. It's around about frame, frame 35. And we want to animate the height of this. And that is the scale effectively. Let's set that to be 200. So this is where we want it to end. And we'll come over to the coordinates tab and we'll just set key frames for our position, Y and Zed. Then we can come back to frame zero and we'll come back into the object tab and just effectively scale this down. We don't have to go all the way necessarily. Maybe key in 20. And we'll just set a key frame there. So if we just play that through we're animating the scale or the size of this type. And we want this to come from underneath. So let's just grab the Zed handle and just bring this down and you can see the Y and Zed values change. So try not to nudge it on the X because we haven't set a key frame for that. Then we're going to record those keys and play back. And so we have very quickly built this scaling up effect. We can come into the window and choose the timeline F curve and look at what we can do to just smooth this result out. So, what I'd probably like to do is just make these come in a bit faster just by taking this first key frame and adjusting the curve like so. Just so it starts off nice and quickly. And then eases into it's final position. So we'll just do that. We want to make sure you don't have both of these selected. So we'll just... draw a mark here around this first key. And then just bring this down. And we'll do the same for the height, I think as well. So select the first key... Like so. And then we could even bring this over a touch. Then just correct this one here. And I think, you know, just with this timeline here we can just move it to the side. Rewind and play. And that's looking kind of cool. So when you know you just want to get a quick scaling effect done, you can come onto the MoText object and manipulate the height property. But if you've got time to experiment, working with effectors can produce way more intricate animations. And so we'll take a look at that in the next movie.
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