From the course: Travel Photography: Seaside Road Trip

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Road trip review

Road trip review

Three days here ready to go back. Actually, not ready to go back, this has been fantastic. We've shot at the beach, we shot in the Redwoods, we've shot this great little fishing harbor. it's been really a fun experience. And I hope, I hope what you saw here, was that we weren't only going for the kind of, the scenic, postcard shot. No. We were, we were having fun. We were actually, really engaged with the environment. Really putting ourself into it. literally, in some cases, as you remember. I, I you know, climbing to the top of that sand dune. I'll never forget that one. (SOUND) also, just the props, you know. The, the little, the red umbrella, (SOUND) really, help create a very special, unique photograph. Painting with the, the flashlight, there's some great shots there that aren't your typical travel shots, but they (SOUND) were fun to take and they are special. And they're really going to look good. I can't wait to get back, open up the computer, start editing these pictures…
